She was the guest composer at the Ceyzériat national guitar competition in 2014 and in 2016. Lilith Guegamian teaches classical guitar at the Villefranche-sur-Saône Conservatory, since 2008.

In 2019, Sandrine Verrycken asked Lilith to create twelve musics for guided meditations, "Voyages divins" around twelve goddesses, meditations that will appear in March 2020 on the website. Reza for the company Saté-atre (creation in Armenia in 2018 during the week of francophony). Since the 2010s, Lilith composes music for theater and dance compagnies: music for the dance performance "Mademoiselle Piou-Piou" for the company Antarès in Craponne, music for the theater "Le Dieu du carnage" by Y. In 2018, Lilith released “Au milieu de l'immensité”, her third solo album: compositions for solo guitar, arrangements (very revisited) of Armenian themes for guitar and voice, and some songs in French of her own composition. "Lilith takes us, for our greatest pleasure, on a journey in music, languages, colors, flavors, emotions on edge. "Her musical esperanto is the emotion that she takes to pretty highs. In 2009, she devoted herself to writing - lyrics and music - songs in French and, in September 2010, recorded her second album entitled "De passage.
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"Lilith's writing is full of finesse and imagination. Lilith also performs regularly with the Saté-âtre company (shows "Les Preux de Sassoun", "Que souffle le vent" and "Anahit").Īt the end of 2007 her first album "Eclairée par une luciole" was released. Initially made up of pieces for solo guitar of her composition (published by Rubin then at Productions d'Oz), her program is sometimes enriched with songs (coming from her native Armenia, or from India that she loves and that she has visited three times), and sometimes with her own compositions in French. įirst, guitarist of the tango quintet "Tres y dos", then of the singer Céline Blasco, with whom she recorded two albums, Lilith began in 2006 to perform solo. Then started a life of concerts, composition and teaching. At the same time, Lilith followed harmony and counterpoint lessons at Fontenay-sous-bois in the classes of Solange Chiapparin and Christine Menesson, then at the CRR in Lyon. She also studied guitar with Roland Dyens, Leo Brouwer and Alvaro Pieri in France and abroad. Arrived in France at the age of 4, she became very interested in the guitar and pursued musical studies which led her to a gold medal at the ENM of Hay-les-Roses, in the class of Tania Chagnot.

Vuonna 1955 Tunisian pääkaupungissa Tunisissa syntynyt Dyens aloitti kitaraopintonsa yhdeksänvuotiaana. Dyens aloitti tavallisesti konserttinsa improvisoimalla. Esiintyjänä Dyens tunnettiin erityisesti improvisointikyvystään useimmista muista klassisista kitaristeista poiketen improvisoinnilla oli osansa hänen konserteissaan. Hänen tunnetuimpiin sävellyksiinsä kuuluvat Tango en Skaï (1985) ja kolmiosainen Libra Sonatine (1986). lokakuuta 2016 ) oli ranskalainen säveltäjä, kitaristi ja sovittaja.